Bhagavat Gita part 3 ini masih mengisahkan tentang persiapan perang:
Bhagavat Gita Part 3 still tells the story of war preparations:
Then there is a chariot of Arjuna in banners bearing the image of Hanuman, looked toward Dhristarashtra sons who are ready for battle and shortly thereafter when the war was about to begin, Arjuna picked up his bow arc.
And Arjuna said to the Kreshna:
I want to see everything on the field, they are already getting ready for battle, with whom I later had to compete.
Berkatalah Sanjaya :
I want to see those who are gathered here, the desire to obtain something of value to the sons of the evil-hearted Dhristarashtra.
Sanjaya said:
After Arjuna finished with the words, Kreshna also directs the chariot, train the best of all the chariots, to the middle, between the two camps lined up neatly.
Berkatalah Kreshna :
Lihatlah, oh Arjuna, para Kuru yang sedang berkumpul (di sini).
In front of Bhishma, Drona and other warriors.
Kreshna said:
Look, oh Arjuna, the Kuru who are assembled (here).
And Arjuna had seen the uncles, the elders (grandparents), the teachers, the brothers of his mother, sons and grandchildren, cousin and friends, lined up neatly.
Also looks dad-in-law and friends who are on both sides. Seeing ranks relatives lined up neatly, Arjuna.
Berkatalah Arjuna :
Melihat jajaran keluargaku ini, oh Kreshna, bersiap-siap untuk berperang.
Thrilled filled with compassion and said sadly.
Arjuna said:
Seeing this family line, oh Kreshna, getting ready for war.
The joints in my body felt weak and my lips feel tight, my whole body thrilled and my hair stood upright.
Bhagavat Gita Part 3 still tells the story of war preparations:
Kemudian Arjuna yang di kereta perangnya terdapat panji
bergambarkan Hanoman, memandang ke arah putra-putra Dhristarashtra yang
telah siap untuk berperang; dan tak lama kemudian ketika perang akan
segera dimulai, Arjuna memungut busur panahnya.Then there is a chariot of Arjuna in banners bearing the image of Hanuman, looked toward Dhristarashtra sons who are ready for battle and shortly thereafter when the war was about to begin, Arjuna picked up his bow arc.
Dan Arjuna berkata kepada Sang Kreshna:And Arjuna said to the Kreshna:
Ingin kulihat semua yang ada di medan ini, mereka yang telah
bersiap-siap untuk berperang, dengan siapa aku nanti harus berlaga.I want to see everything on the field, they are already getting ready for battle, with whom I later had to compete.
Ingin kulihat mereka-mereka yang berkumpul di sini, yang berhasrat
untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang berharga bagi putra-putra Dhristarashtra
yang berhati iblis itu.Berkatalah Sanjaya :
I want to see those who are gathered here, the desire to obtain something of value to the sons of the evil-hearted Dhristarashtra.
Sanjaya said:
Arjuna selesai dengan kata-katanya, Sang Kreshna pun mengarahkan kereta
perangnya, kereta yang terbaik diantara semua kereta-kereta perang, ke
tengah-tengah, diantara kedua laskar yang berbaris rapi.After Arjuna finished with the words, Kreshna also directs the chariot, train the best of all the chariots, to the middle, between the two camps lined up neatly.
Di hadapan Bhisma, Drona dan pendekar-pendekar lainnya.Berkatalah Kreshna :
Lihatlah, oh Arjuna, para Kuru yang sedang berkumpul (di sini).
In front of Bhishma, Drona and other warriors.
Kreshna said:
Look, oh Arjuna, the Kuru who are assembled (here).
Dan Arjuna pun melihat paman-pamannnya, para sesepuh (kakek-kakek),
guru-guru, saudara-saudara dari ibunya, putra-putra dan para cucu, misan
dan sahabat-sahabatnya, berdiri berbaris rapi.And Arjuna had seen the uncles, the elders (grandparents), the teachers, the brothers of his mother, sons and grandchildren, cousin and friends, lined up neatly.
Juga terlihat
ayah-mertuanya dan para teman yang terdapat di kedua belah pihak.
Melihat jajaran sanak-saudaranya yang berbaris rapi ini, Arjuna.Also looks dad-in-law and friends who are on both sides. Seeing ranks relatives lined up neatly, Arjuna.
Tergetar penuh dengan rasa iba dan berkata pilu.Berkatalah Arjuna :
Melihat jajaran keluargaku ini, oh Kreshna, bersiap-siap untuk berperang.
Thrilled filled with compassion and said sadly.
Arjuna said:
Seeing this family line, oh Kreshna, getting ready for war.
Sendi-sendi badanku terasa lemas dan bibirku terasa rapat, seluruh tubuhku tergetar dan rambutku tegak berdiri.The joints in my body felt weak and my lips feel tight, my whole body thrilled and my hair stood upright.

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